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Posted by on 2018/11/23 under Kids


How and when have I used Suicide to manipulate, guilt and force others into attaining my will, rather than directing myself towards Gods will? How have I hurt others by using my addiction to suicide and the behaviors therein? Please reveal to God the emotional frequency that I have used to get my way, to manipulate a situation and to warp the understanding I have of exisstential-existence.

Silently Anonymous,

The Archer

4 thoughts on “Necronautical God

  1. Anonymous says:

    People affected by my suicidal behavior:





    Gretchen (the fragment moment when I was trying to break into M.’s purse and Gretchen was blocking my way and kept saying no. And how upset I was. So forth.)




    Mr. Russell

    Me! Myself! + I!

  2. Anonymous says:

    People who might’ve inspired me into the experiential addiction to suicide;

    Camus, Albert


    Artaud, Antonin

    Plath, Sylvia

    Sexton, Anne

    Danielewski, Mark

    O’Brien, Penny

    Wallace, David

    Walling, Becca

    Critchley, Simon

    (just depression in general, which is supposedly a no-fault illness). (I am not to blame and I am not alone.)

    Chubbuck, Christine

    Klebold, Dylan

    (the question of, do people have the right to take their own existence in their hands? Whose right is it? Unreligiously? Is God in the non-church state of world?)

    Murphy, Brittany (in girl, interrupted)

    Ledger, Heath

    Cobain, Kurt

    Arbus, Diane

    (the 27 Club)

    Hoffman, Phillip

  3. Anonymous says:

    New York, Synecdoche

    Club, Fight


    Leaves, House

    Monsters, Invisible

    Dream, Requiem


    Cruelty, Theater

    Double, Theater

    Burton, Tim

    Pastas, Creepy

    Christmas, Nightmare

    Scissorhands, Edward (will be forever misunderstood, meant to dwell in a fortress of solitude, so forth.)

    Juice, Beetle

  4. Anonymous says:

    Institutions or projects above that might’ve led me to a suicidal ideology: (above)

    Rilke, Rainer

    Vollman, William

    The burning monks

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